


Evaluate the School Improvement for principal

Input Evaluation
Evaluating How You Identify Objectives

An objective is measurable and is developed to address specific problems identified in the needs assessment.

“SMART” objectives used to measure achievement toward a goal have the following qualities:

* Specific,特殊的
* Measurable,可測量的
* Attainable,可達成的
* Realistic, and實際可行的
* Timebound.時限性

• Questions that need to be answered when evaluating your school improvement plan objectives:
• Do your objectives emphasize positive change for your school?
• Do your objectives provide guidance for choosing programs and strategies to implement?
• Are your objectives challenging yet achievable for the given timeframe?

• Do objectives include measurable expectations for all student populations?
• Is each objective aligned with a school and state goal?
• Is each objective supported by data in your needs assessment?
• Is there an objective addressing the needs of the lowest 25% performing students in your school?
• Is there an objective addressing the alignment of content instruction to the Sunshine State Standards with specific attention to science?
• If your school has been identified as performance grade D or F, is there a measurable objective identified for each low performing content area? Are these objectives aligned to the district intervention plan?
• Is there one or more objective(s) identified for State Goal 3: Student Performance?

School Goal 1: All State School students make annual learning gains sufficient to acquire the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to master state standards in the area of reading.
School Goal 1:所有公立學校學生進行年度的學習以獲得足夠的知識、技能和能力並符合該地區的閱讀標準。

School Goal 1 Objective 1: The percent of standard curriculum students scoring Level 3 or above on the 2003 FCAT Sunshine State Standards reading component will increase to 50% or greater. This percent will be maintained or increase for year 2004 given that the state identified minimum Level 3 score will increase.
School Goal 1 Objective 1:學生在標準課程得分需達Level 3或者是在2003 FCAT Sunshine State Standards 閱讀標準之上要增加50%以上。

School Goal 1 Objective 2: 59% or greater of the lowest 25% performing students on the 2002 FCAT Sunshine State Standards reading component will make adequate progress as determined by 2003 FCAT Sunshine State Standards reading component scores.
School Goal 1 Objective 2: 後25%的學生必須符合2002 FCAT 陽光標準中閱讀標準達59%以上,才能夠在2003年達適當進步。

School Test Data Analysis
2002 Reading Assessment
Sources of Data: School FCAT(理解評估測驗)and NRT Reading Results
District and State FCAT and NRT Reading Results
(see Appendix B for school data analysis worksheets)

1. Analyze the reading scores versus district and state results.
2. Calculate and record the differences (+ or -),“+” indicates performance is above or equal to district or state, “-” indicates performance is below district or state.
FCAT READING Sunshine State Standards
(All Curriculum Groups):

*Levels 3-5 are defined as meeting high standards
Year 2004 Levels 2-5 minimum scores increase (see Appendix C)
Which subtest(s) from the FCAT Sunshine State Standards reading component cover the most problematic areas for your school?
 Subtest 1: Words/Phrases
 Subtest 2: Main Idea/Purpose
 Subtest 3: Comparisons
 Subtest 4: Reference/Research
School Goal 1 Objective 3: All curriculum students’ mean points earned will increase in the area of Comparisons on the 2003 FCAT Sunshine State Standards reading component.
School Goal 1 Objective 3:比較全國學生在2003 FCAT陽光標準閱讀部分中的平均積分且須有所提升。

Input Evaluation
Evaluating How You Identify and Communicate Your Strategies
A strategy identifies the action to be taken in order to achieve the objective. It is helpful to list strategies in priority order.
Strategies should:
* be directly related to obtaining the stated objective;與既定目標有直接關係
* identify who is responsible, a timeline, all necessary resources for implementing the strategy; and確定誰來負責、期限、所有必要的資源及執行策略
* include a continuous evaluation process so ongoing adjustments can be made.
• Questions that need to be answered when evaluating how well you communicated your strategies:
Are strategies clear and understandable?策略是否明確且容易了解?
• Do strategies clearly align with areas of need?策略是否明確?
• Are strategies identified that include special population needs?策略是否包含特殊族群的需求?
• Have you allocated human/material resources to implement strategies?人力及物力的分配
• Have you identified technical assistance and professional development needs and resources?技術援助及專業發展需求
• Have you set up timelines and checkpoints?建立期限及清單
• Have you identified evaluation methods for assessing progress?評估過程的評鑑方式
• Do you have a descriptive record of the implementation of each strategy?紀錄每次策略的實施
• Does your evaluation design include:評鑑設計包含:
• evaluating the process - assessing the implementation, 評鑑過程 - 評估實施
• evaluating the product - determining the success of each strategy implemented,
評鑑產出 - 確定每個戰略的成功實施
• a timeline, and期限
• someone who is responsible.負責人

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Evaluating Principals.



Principal evaluation works best when it is not simply imposed from above. Richard Manatt (1989) suggests starting with a stakeholder's meeting of no more than twenty-five people. Jerry Valentine (1987) proposes a committee of about a dozen people, one half of them principals. That committee assesses other principal evaluation programs with the aid of a consultant, drafts a plan and submits it to the principals for amendment, and then sends the revised plan to the school board. An inservice session can familiarize principals with the evaluation process and defuse their anxiety over it.

校長評鑑的運作最好時是在於它不是單純地自上而下。Richard Manatt(1989)建議與利害關係人的會議不超過25人。Jerry Valentine(1987)提出了一個委員會成員大約十幾人,其中有一半是校長。委員會主要的目的在擬定評鑑計畫並給校長修訂,接著將修訂後的計劃交給學校董事會。校長可經由制訂過程的參與和瞭解,以減低在評鑑的過程中產生的焦慮。

Principal evaluation does not exist in a vacuum. It relates to the statements of purpose, long-range plans, goals, and job descriptions that districts and schools may have already formulated. The urban school district described by Lindahl (1986) created precise job descriptions that "became the format for the summative evaluation instrument." The district incorporated individualized or formative goals by requiring each school to develop annual campus improvement plans and by requiring each principal to establish annual personal growth plans. Evaluation, then, is linked to both organizational and personal goals. Principals should be intimately involved in the goal-setting process, and they should certainly be fully informed of how the various goals will be weighted and assessed. This knowledge encourages principals to focus on the aspects of their job deemed most important. George Redfern (1986) describes a school district that bases its assessment of principals entirely on how well they attain mutually established goals.


Although it cannot substitute for on-the-job evaluation, assessment centers can offer principals intensive observation and feedback. The National Association of Secondary School Principals sponsors several such centers (Anderson 1989).

這樣的評鑑雖然不能代替校長實際的表現,但可以提供校長觀察和回饋的意見。國家中學校長協會贊助好幾個這樣的評鑑中心(Anderson 1989)。

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School leadership in England has got much better

The report notes that secondary schools usually have larger senior management teams to support the head, while many primary heads have to teach as well as lead.

Mr Bell said: "It is no longer true that leadership and management are the sole responsibility of the head teacher.
Mr Bell說:「領導與管理不再只是校長單獨要負的責任。」

"High-quality leadership and management must now be developed throughout a school's organisation if they are to meet the new challenges facing them in the drive to raise standards and promote social inclusion in all our schools."

Earlier this week a report from the National College for School Leadership said England's school system was embracing a "new order" of leadership with dramatic and positive implications for teaching and learning.

But it warned that the level of re-advertised headship posts highlighted the lack of candidates for the job. It said 45% of heads, deputies and assistant heads were aged over 50.

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Blair sends heads back to college

"There are already three initiatives in this area - the National Professional Qualification for Headship, the Headlamp scheme for new heads and the Leadership Programme for serving headteachers," he said.

他說:目前這個領域已經有三所首創的機構:中小學校長國家專業證照(the National Professional Qualification for Headship,NPQH), 新校長前導計畫(the Headlamp scheme for new heads)、現職校長領導課程(the Leadership Programme for serving headteachers,LPSH)

"There is growing evidence that teachers are now so overburdened with government initiatives that they are not able to find time to take advantage of the options which exist."


Headteachers' unions are broadly supporting the proposed college.


Other speakers at the conference included American management guru Ben Zander, the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra who uses music as a motivational tool and who got heads to sing along with him during his two-hour slot at the conference.

在會議中的發言者包括美國管理大師Ben Zander,他是Boston交響樂團指揮,以音樂作為引起動機的工具。並在邀請一同出席會議的校長在兩個小時會議的空檔時間他一起歌唱。

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