


School leadership in England has got much better

The report notes that secondary schools usually have larger senior management teams to support the head, while many primary heads have to teach as well as lead.

Mr Bell said: "It is no longer true that leadership and management are the sole responsibility of the head teacher.
Mr Bell說:「領導與管理不再只是校長單獨要負的責任。」

"High-quality leadership and management must now be developed throughout a school's organisation if they are to meet the new challenges facing them in the drive to raise standards and promote social inclusion in all our schools."

Earlier this week a report from the National College for School Leadership said England's school system was embracing a "new order" of leadership with dramatic and positive implications for teaching and learning.

But it warned that the level of re-advertised headship posts highlighted the lack of candidates for the job. It said 45% of heads, deputies and assistant heads were aged over 50.

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